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팝업레이어 알림

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緖百 [ Seobaek ]
Will find all the clues and make sure
they are solved well

About Us

LG Electronics, "Compliance Management is the Cornerstone of ESG Management"

Seung-Cheol Lee, the executive director of the Compliance Management Office at LG Electronics said "Compliance management is the cornerstone of ESG management", "We will continue to practice compliance management across our corporate activities."

BKL LLC leads 'The change of organizational form from an umbrella branch union into an independent company union'..."Win based on the worker's right to choose"

The Labor team of BKL LLC(Seung-Cheol Lee, Sang-Kyun Jang, Wook-Rae Lee) represented the Valeo branch of the Korean Metal Workers' Union since the third trial and led the case to be reversed and remanded. They said "Support of the Valeo branch exercised as a great help...more unions will change its organizational form from now on"

The representative attorney Seung-Cheol Lee

Lawoffice SEOBAEK with:“The representative attorney” who served as a judge at several courts including Seoul central district court and worked as an attorney at ‘Kim & Chang’ and ‘BKL LLC’, where he gained expertise by dealing with various civil, criminal, administrative cases including HR and labor. He also worked as an executive director of LG Electronics Compliance Management Office and dealt with both domestic and international corporate legal issues and compliance works.

“The partner attorney” who served as a special investigator · trial manager of the ‘Druking Case’ special prosecutor team, and also worked as an office manager of the Management Strategy Center at December&Company, a fintech company.

A young and enthusiastic “Associate attorney”, and “Senior Advisor” who has expertise in domestic and international legal issues and compliance matters, with diverse working experiences at Korean top companies.

In addition, we will provide more practical and timely services in the fields of HR, Labor, Tax and Customs through business partnerships with “Kukje tax service corporation”, “Daeyoo labor law firm” and “Hanju customs law firm”.

ContactLocation & Contact

Lawoffice Seobaek will resolve any unexpected legal disputes.

법률사무소 서백

  • 5th floor, 25, Seocho-daero 51-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul ‘Seoul nat’l. univ. of education station’ of Subway line 23 (About 5 minutes walking distance from Exit 6 & 7)
  • Tel +82-2-595-9509 / Fax +82-2-595-9507
  • seobaek@seobaek.com
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